
Manufacturing at Southmedic.

Catalyst for Opportunity

03 Jul, 2019

Barrie, ON – Southmedic Inc., a certified woman-owned and controlled business, takes pride in providing equal opportunity to its employees.  Always looking to raise the bar, President & CEO, Lee McDonald, has implemented the Catalyst Program, which involves pledging to monitor and drive the diversity (female to male ratio) of the organization with the goal of having a ratio of greater than 30% female at each tier of business.

Southmedic is proud to report the following accomplishments:

Females Males
Management 41.18% 58.82%
Junior Leadership 67.65% 32.35%
Direct Labour 64.90% 35.10%


Catalyst is a global nonprofit founded in 1962 and works with some of the world’s most powerful CEO’s and leading companies to build workplaces that work for women.

Southmedic continues to push the leading edge of employment equality here in Canada.